Please use this online form to confirm, cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Only existing appointments can be confirmed, cancelled or rescheduled with this form.

If you would like to schedule a new/different exam, in which you have a new requisition, please contact our scheduling department at 519-672-7900 or complete the prebooking form here:

Although not all fields are required, the more details we have the easier it will be to cancel your exam(s). If you would like to reschedule your exam then please be sure to provide all of the current exam. We will contact you to advise of the rescheduled date, time and possible location change.

Personal Information
Booked Exam(s)

Provide the clinic location and exam type(s) that you wish to confirm, cancel or reschedule. You can submit multiple forms if needed.

Include additional details regarding your confirmation, cancellation or rescheduling request.